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  • 个人简介
  • 科研项目
  • 论文专著
  • 专利与技术许可
  • 荣誉奖励


2001-2005 学士 哈尔滨工程大学 理学院 电子科学与技术 

2005-2012 博士 哈尔滨工业大学 航天学院 物理电子学  

2009-2010 交换生 韩国汉阳大学 生物医学工程 计算机与脑科学研究中心  


2012.03-2016.11 工程师 中国科学技术大学 信息科学技术学院 

2016.12-2019.12 研究员 美国哈佛大学医学院  

2019.04-2021.12 副教授(校聘教授) 哈尔滨工程大学  数学科学学院 人工智能团队负责人

2020.09-2021.09 外聘教授 哈尔滨工业大学(深圳) 数学科学学院 大数据与数据科学专业 

2022.01-今 教授 安徽医科大学 生物医学工程学院 智能医学专业 精神健康与心理学院 应用心理学专业 双聘 


中文授课:概率论与数理统计、线性代数与空间解析几何、深度学习及其应用、 人工智能、数据可视化、医/金工结合项目创新及落地 

英文授课:Statistics and Probability, Deep Learning and its Application


大数据分析,人工智能,机器学习,深度学习,非线性时间序列分析,图像处理, 系统建模及优化,小波分析,多尺度熵分析,生物医学统计,计算机编程(C, Matlab,  R, python)

2016-2018 主持 国家自然科学基金 青年基金项目 星间光通信系统中多样化波 前畸变的建模及其影响分析 

2017-2018 主持 安徽省自然科学基金 青年基金项目 波前畸变对星间光通信系 统通信性能影响研究

2014-2017 参与 国家自然科学基金面上项目 马尔可夫跳跃系统的决策-控制策 略研究与优化


2019-今 主持 基于人工智能多模态融合的抑郁障碍智能诊疗系统 

2017-今 主持 基于人工智能算法的高血压患者睡眠节律变化研究 

2018-今 主持 基于便携式心跳采集设备数据的睡眠呼吸暂停人工智能筛查算法 研究 

2019-今 主持 高血压患者高风险心脑血管疾病人工智能预测建模

2019-今 主持 基于人工智能的儿童先天性心脏病辅助诊断系统 

2017-2018 主持 MIT-BI 心电判读算法升级 

2017-今 主持 基于人工智能的健康体检报告及疾病风险评估系统 

2018-2019 主持 X-Research 亚健康及压力判读系统 

2017-2018 参与 基于 fMRI 的精神分裂症患者脑侧化研究 

2017-2018 参与 衰老对脑结构的影像研究

SCI 论文: 

1. Multimodal Fusion Diagnosis of Depression and Anxiety Based on CNN-LSTM  Model  Wanqing Xie, Chen Wang, Zhixiong Lin, Xudong Luo, Wenqian Chen, Manzhu Xu,  Lizhong Liang, Xiaofeng Liu, Yanzhong Wang, Hui Luo, Mingmei Cheng  Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics,2022(二区,IF=7.422) 

2. Assessment of Transcatheter or Surgical Closure of Atrial Septal 2 Defect using  Interpretable Deep Keypoint Stadiometry  Jing Wang*, Wanqing Xie*, Mingmei Cheng, Qun Wu, Fangyun Wang, Pei Li, Bo  Fan, Xin Zhang, Binbin Wang, Xiaofeng Liu  Research,2022(一区,IF=11.036) 

3. Interpreting Depression from Question-eise Long-term Video Recording of SDS  Evaluation  W Xie, Lizhong Liang, Yao Lu, Chen Wang, Hui Luo, Xiaofeng Liu  IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2021(一区,IF=5.223) 

4. An efficient algorithm for R peaks detection of electrocardiogram signals Journal of  Mechanics in Medicine and Biology (Accepted)  Shujuan Wang, Junfen Cheng, Fanchuang Li, Yanzhong Wang, Wang Liu, Jihong Shen,  Shengru Qu, Chuntong Ye, W Xie* Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 2021(四区,IF=0.859) 

5. Research on Characteristic of Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria Based on Multiscale  Entropy  Shujuan Wang, Ping Song, Rong Ma, Yanzhong Wang, Bin Yu, Min Wang, Meiqi Wang,  Jihong Shen, Yuntao Dai, Yuming Wang, W Xie* Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 2021(三区,IF=1.770)

6.Automated interpretation of congenital hear disease from multi-view  echocardiograms  Jing Wang, Xiaofeng Liu, Fangyun Wang, Lin Zheng, Hanwen Zhang, W Xie*,  Binbin Wang  Medical Image Analysis, 2021 (一区,IF=11.148) 

7. Age-related changes in the association of resting-state fMRI signal variability and  global functional connectivity in non-demented healthy people  W Xie, CK Peng, J Shen, CP Lin, SJ Tsai, S Wang, Q Chu, AC Yang  Psychiatry Research 291, 113257, 2020 (四区,IF:2.208) 

8. Unimodal Regularized Neuron Stick-breaking for Ordinal Classification  X Liu, F Fan, L Kong, Z Diao, W Xie, J Lu, J You  Neurocomputing, 2020 (二区,IF:4.438) 

9. Functional brain lateralization in schizophrenia based on the variability of restingstate fMRI signal  W Xie, CK Peng, CC Huang, CP Lin, SJ Tsai, AC Yang  Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 2018 (二区,IF: 4.315) 

10. An average queue‐length‐difference–based congestion detection algorithm in  TCP/AQM network  J Zhu, T Luo, L Yang, W Xie*, GE Dullerud  International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing 32 (5), 742-752, 2018  (三区,IF=2.116) 

11. Jump linear quadratic Gaussian problem for a class of nonhomogeneous Markov  jump linear systems  J Zhu, G Zhang, W Xie Optimal Control Applications and Methods 38 (4), 668-680, 2017 (四区,IF=1.252) 

12. State and mode feedback control for discrete-time Markovian jump linear systems  with controllable MTPM  J Zhu, Q Ding, M Spiryagin, W Xie* IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 2016 (一区,IF=5.129) 

13. Decision–control mechanism for Markovian jump linear systems with Gaussian  noise  J Zhu, Y Wang, W Xie*, GE Dullerud  Optimal Control Applications and Methods 37 (2), 381-393, 2016 (四区,IF=1.252)

14. An optimal vertical handoff decision algorithm for multiple services with different  priorities in heterogeneous wireless networks  J Zhu, L Xu, L Yang, W Xie Wireless Personal Communications 83 (1), 527-549, 2015(四区,IF=1.061) 

15. Time series analysis for congestion detection in TCP/AQM networks  L Yang, J Zhu, W Xie*, GE Dullerud  IEEE Communications Letters 19 (3), 331-334,2015(二区,IF=3.419) 

16. Packet error rate analysis of digital pulse interval modulation in intersatellite optical  communication systems with diversified wavefront deformation  J Zhu, D Wang, W Xie* Applied optics 54 (6), 1471-1477,2015 (二区,IF=1.961) 

17. Joint decision and control strategy for a class of nonhomogeneous Markovian jump  systems with input constraints  Z Wang, J Zhu, W Xie, J Park  International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems 12 (5), 986-995, 2014 (三 区,IF=2.733) 

18. Received power analysis due to antenna deformation based on wavelet in intersatellite laser communication links  W Xie, L Tan, J Ma, Y Yang, Q Ran  Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 123 (8), 670-674, 2012(三 区,IF=2.187) 

19. Mutual alignment errors analysis based on wavelet due to antenna deformations in  inter-satellite laser communications  W Xie, L Tan, J Ma  Optics & Laser Technology 44 (1), 198-203, 2012 (二区,IF=3.233) 

20. Robust adaptive switching control for Markovian jump nonlinear systems via  backstepping technique  J Zhu, H Xi, Q Ling, W Xie Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2012 (三区,IF=0.72) 

21. Received signal strength reduction analysis based on the wavelet model in  intersatellite laser communications  W Xie, L Tan, J Ma  Journal of Lightwave Technology 29 (15), 2327-2332, 2011 (一区,IF=4.288) 

22. Received power attenuation analysis based on wavelet for reflection-style optical  antenna deformations in free-space laser communications  W Xie, L Tan, J Ma, Y Liu International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 2011(三区,IF=1.207) 

23. Angle-of-arrival fluctuations for wave propagation through non-Kolmogorov  turbulence  W Du, S Yu, L Tan, J Ma, Y Jiang, W Xie Optics Communications 282 (5), 705-708, 2009(三区,IF=2.125) 

24. Celestial background noise analysis for laser intersatellite links  Q Yang, L Tan, Q Han, J Ma, W Xie Applied optics 47 (32), 6103-6111, 2008 (二区,IF=1.961) 


1. Deep 3d-cnn for depression diagnosis with facial video recording of self-rating  depression scale questionnaire  Wanqing Xie, Lizhong Liang, Yao Lu, Hui Luo, Xiaofeng Liu  2021 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine &  Biology Society (EMBC)  

2. Multimodal fusion diagnosis of depression and anxiety based on face video  Chen Wang, Lizhong Liang, Xiaofeng Liu, Yao Lu, Jihong Shen, Hui Luo, Wanqing  Xie* 2021 IEEE International Conference on Medical Imaging Physics and Engineering  (ICMIPE)  

3. Embedding Semantic Hierarchy in Discrete Optimal Transport for Risk  Minimization  Xiaofeng Liu, Yubin Ge, Xuyang Li, W Xie, Fangfang Fan, Jane You  ICASSP 2021  

4. Feature-Level Frankenstein: Eliminating Variations for Discriminative Recognition  X Liu, S Li, L Kong, W Xie*, P Jia, J You, BVK Kumar  Proceedings of the IEEE CVPR, 2019

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