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2009/09—2015/06   安徽医科大学    药理学                         博士

2002/08—2005/06   首都医科大学    精神病与精神卫生学     硕士

1994/09—1999/06   安徽医科大学    临床医学                      本科


2017/01—至今          安徽医科大学附属巢湖医院   主任医师/副院长,博士生导师

2005/07—2016/12   合肥市第四人民医院              主治医师、副主任医师/医务科科长,硕士生导师

1999/09—2002/08   合肥市第四人民医院              住院医师

1. 国家自然基金面上项目,81771449,GSK-3β/β-catenin信号通路在氯氮平导致的胰腺损伤中的作用及其机制研究,2018/01到2019/12,主持 ;

2. 国家临床重点专科能力提升项目,2019/09到2021年1月,主持;

3. 安徽省自然科学基金面上项目,2108085MH275,基于GSK-3β/NF-κB信号通路对氯氮平所致代谢综合征的机制研究,2021/08到2023/12,主持;

4. 科技部国家重点研发计划“重大慢性非传染行疾病防控研究”项目,2016YFC1306100,注意缺陷多动障碍的综合干预策略研究,2017/01到 2022/12,子课题负责人;

5. 安徽省转化医学研究项目,2017zhyx17,GSK-3β抑制剂辅助氯氮平治疗精神分裂症的探索性研究,2018/01到2020/12,主持;


1. X Wu, L Xia, Y Yang, L Zhang, M Li, T Liu, Y Liu, RO Cotes, F Jiang, Y Tang, H Liu. Mortality among psychiatric inpatients in China: A national survey. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. Asian Journal of Psychiatry 77 (2022): 103262.

2. L. Zhang, M. Li, Y. Yang, L. Xia, K. Min, T. Liu, Y. Liu, N. J. Kalow, D. Y. Liu, Y. Tang, F. Jiang, and H. Liu. Gender differences in the experience of burnout and its correlates among Chinese psychiatric nurses during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A large‐sample nationwide survey. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing (2022): 1480-1491.

3. J. Zhao, J. Diao, X. Li, Y. Yang, Y. Yao, S. Shi, X. Yuan, H. Liu, and K. Zhang. Gender Differences in Psychiatric Symptoms and the Social Functioning of 610 Patients with Schizophrenia in Urban China: A 10-Year Follow-Up Study. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment 18 (2022): 1545.

4. D. Mo, K. Min, R. Gluck, F. Jiang, R. Tao, F. Geng, L. Xia, T. Liu, Y. Liu, H. Liu, and Y. Tang. Alcohol Use and Misuse Among Chinese Psychiatrists During the Early COVID-19 Pandemic. Frontiers in Psychiatry 13 (2022).

5. Y. Yang, L. Zhang, M. Li, X. Wu, L. Xia, D. Y. Liu, T. Liu, Y. Liu, F. Jiang, Y. Tang, H. Liu, and N. J. Kalow. Turnover Intention and Its Associated Factors Among Psychiatrists in 41 Tertiary Hospitals in China During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Frontiers in Psychology 13 (2022).

6. L. Zhang, Y. Yang, M. Li, X. Zhou, K. Zhang, X. Yin, and H. Liu. The prevalence of suicide ideation and predictive factors among pregnant women in the third trimester. BMC pregnancy and childbirth 22.1 (2022): 1-7.

7. H. Cai, W. Bai, H. Liu, X. Chen, H. Qi, R. Liu, T. Cheung, Z. Su, J. Lin, Y. Tang, T. Jackson, Q. Zhang, Y. Xiang. Network analysis of depressive and anxiety symptoms in adolescents during the later stage of the COVID-19 pandemic. Translational psychiatry 12.1 (2022): 1-8.

8. M. Li, L. Xia, Y. Yang, L. Zhang, S. Zhang, T. Liu, Y. Liu, N. J. Kaslow, F. Jiang, Y. Tang, and H. Liu. Depression, Anxiety, Stress, and Their Associations With Quality of Life in a Nationwide Sample of Psychiatrists in China During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Frontiers in Psychology 13 (2022).

9. Y. Zhang, X. Li, Y. Hu, H. Yuan, X. Wu, Y. Yang, T. Zhao, K. Hu, Z. Wang, G. Wang, K. Zhang, H. Liu. Evaluation of mild cognitive impairment genetic susceptibility risks in a Chinese population. BMC psychiatry 22.1 (2022): 1-11.

10. K. Zhang, Y. Yang, X. Yuan, W. Zhang, X. Han, C. Lei, Z. Tao, Y. Li, and H. Liu. Efficacy and safety of repeated esketamine intravenous infusion in the treatment of treatment-resistant depression: A case series. Asian Journal of Psychiatry 68 (2022): 102976.

11. F. Xu, X. Wang, Y. Yang, K. Zhang, Y. Shi, L. Xia, X. Hu, and H. Liu. Depression and insomnia in COVID-19 survivors: a cross-sectional survey from Chinese rehabilitation centers in Anhui province. Sleep medicine 91 (2022): 161-165.

12. X. Yuan, S. Wang, Y. Shi, Y. Yang, Y. Zhang, L. Xia, K. Zhang, and H. Liu. Pro-inflammatory cytokine levels are elevated in female patients with schizophrenia treated with clozapine. Psychopharmacology 239.3 (2022): 765-771.

13. Y. Yang, Y. Zhang, J. Wang, X. Ning, Y. Zhang, T. Zhao, Y. Zhong, Z. Liu, L. Xia, W. Li, X. Yao, K. Zhang and H. Liu: Sex Differences in the Association of HOMA-IR Index and BDNF in Han Chinese Patients With Chronic Schizophrenia. Front Psychiatry, 12, 656230 (2021).

14. J. Wang, F. Jiang, Y. Yang, Y. Zhang, Z. Liu, X. Qin, X. Tao, T. Liu, Y. Liu, Y. Tang, H. Liu, R. O. Cotes. Off-label use of antipsychotic medications in psychiatric inpatients in China: a national real-world survey. BMC Psychiatry[J]. 2021 July 9 Accepted.

15. J Wang, F Jiang, Y Zhang, RO Cotes, Y Yang, Z Liu, X Ning, T Liu, Y Liu, Y Tang, H Liu. Patterns of antipsychotic preions in patients with schizophrenia in China: a national survey. Asian journal of psychiatry. Asian journal of psychiatry 62 (2021): 102742.

16. Y Yang, J Wang, Z Xiong, X Yao, Y Zhang, X Ning, Y Zhong, Z Liu, Y Zhang, T Zhao, L Xia, K. Zhang, and H. Liu. Prevalence and clinical demography of hyperhomocysteinemia in Han Chinese patients with schizophrenia. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience. 271(2021):759-65.

17. L. Xia, F. Jiang, J. Rakofsky, Y. Zhang, Y. Shi, K. Zhang, T. Liu, Y. Liu, H. Liu and Y. L. Tang: Resources and Workforce in Top-Tier Psychiatric Hospitals in China: A Nationwide Survey. Front Psychiatry, 12(2021): 573333.

18. L. Xia, C. Chen, Z. Liu, X. Luo, C. Guo, Z. Liu, K. Zhang and H. Liu: Prevalence of Sleep Disturbances and Sleep Quality in Chinese Healthcare Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Front Psychiatry, 12(2021): 646342.

1. 张凯; 张叶蕾; 刘寰忠.一种用于经颅磁刺激治疗的躯体辅助支撑装置,授权日:2020-11-18,中国,专利号:CN202011292655.2

2. 张凯; 刘寰忠; 周晓琴. MICB蛋白的表达量检测试剂在制备抑郁障碍和双相障碍的鉴别试剂盒中的应用,授权日:2020-6-29,中国,专利号:CN202010607412.7

1. 合肥卫生系统第一批十大杰出人才(2008年)

2. 合肥市社会服务人才奖(2015年)

3. 合肥第八批拔尖人才(2016年)

4. 合肥市科技进步奖,三等奖(2016年)

5. 中国首届杰出精神科青年医师(2019年)

6. 安徽省第12批学科带头人后备人选(2020年)

7. 安徽医科大学“十佳教师”(2021年)

8. 安徽医科大学“优秀研究生导师”(2021年)

9. 安徽省首届优秀精神科医师(2021年)

10. 安徽省卫生健康委第一届杰出中青年人才(2022年)

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